; Return Value(s): The return value is the zero-based index of the uppermost visible line in a multiline edit control.
; For single-line edit controls, the return value is the zero-based index of the first visible character.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditGetFirstVisibleLine($h_edit) Retrieves the zero-based index of the uppermost visible line in a multiline edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): The number of lines and the length of the lines in an edit control
; depend on the width of the control and the current Wordwrap setting.
; Return Value(s): Array containing the starting and ending selected positions, first element ($array[0]) contains the number of elements
; If an error occurs, the return value is $EC_ERR.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditGetSel($h_edit) Retrieves the starting and ending character positions of the current selection in an edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): $array[1] contains the starting position
; $i_index - Optional: Specifies the character index of the character contained in the line whose number is to be retrieved.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s): The return value is the zero-based line number of the line containing the character index specified by $i_index.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditLineFromChar($h_edit[, $i_index = -1]) Retrieves the index of the line that contains the specified character index in a multiline edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): If $i_index is û1, _GUICtrlEditLineFromChar retrieves either the line number of the current line
; (the line containing the caret) or, if there is a selection, the line number of the line containing
; $i_line - Optional: Specifies the zero-based line number.
; A value of û1 specifies the current line number (the line that contains the caret).
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s): The return value is the character index of the line specified in the wParam parameter,
; or it is $EC_ERR if the specified line number is greater than the number of lines in the edit control.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditLineIndex($h_edit[, $i_line = -1]) Retrieves the character index of the first character of a specified line in a multiline edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; $i_index - Optional: Specifies the character index of a character in the line whose length is to be retrieved.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s): For multiline edit controls, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the line specified by the $i_index parameter.
; For single-line edit controls, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the text in the edit control.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditLineLength($h_edit[, $i_index = -1]) Retrieves the length, in characters, of a line in an edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): $i_index
; For ANSI text, this is the number of bytes
; For Unicode text, this is the number of characters.
; It does not include the carriage-return character at the end of the line.
; If $i_index is greater than the number of characters in the control, the return value is zero.
; $i_bool - Specifies whether the replacement operation can be undone.
; If this is TRUE, the operation can be undone.
; If this is FALSE , the operation cannot be undone.
; $s_text - String containing the replacement text.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s): None
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel($h_edit, $i_bool, $s_text) Replaces the current selection in an edit control with the specified text. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): Use the _GUICtrlEditReplaceSel to replace only a portion of the text in an edit control.
; If there is no current selection, the replacement text is inserted at the current location of the caret.
; $i_direct - Specifies the action the scroll bar is to take.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s): If successful, the high-order word of the return value is TRUE, and the low-order word is the number of lines that the command scrolls.
; If the $i_direct parameter specifies an invalid value, the return value is FALSE.
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditScroll($h_edit, $i_direct) Scrolls the text vertically in a multiline edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)
; Note(s): $i_direct
; This parameter can be one of the following values.
; Scrolls down one line.
; Scrolls up one line.
; Scrolls down one page.
; Scrolls up one page.
; Scrolls the caret into view
; To scroll to a specific line or character position, use the _GUICtrlEditLineSscroll.
; $left - Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
; $top - Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
; $right - Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
; $bottom - Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
; Requirement: None
; Return Value(s): None
; User CallTip: _GUICtrlEditSetRECT(Byref $h_edit, $left, $top, $right, $bottom) Sets the formatting rectangle of an edit control. (required: <GuiEdit.au3>)
; Author(s): Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)